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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reflection week 7 Aaron Mohan


What I know about surveys

Surveys are questions give to an audience. Results are collated and used for future use. There are close-ended and open-ended surveys. Surveys are carried out to find the results of a certain subject


What I think about surveys

Surveys are important in collecting data, which helps a lot. By doing so people can find out the important factors or specific numbers of a certain subject, to help in their work.

Learning Issues

What I found out in the survey

What needs improving? What is up to standard? Was my message sent? And is my requirements met?

Action Plan

What I can do after the survey

Use collected data to further improve work or to make sure work is at a satisfactory level. I can check whether my work would be easy to understand or be enjoyable. Also I can confirm whether my message was sent across.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Members,
    Can the appearance of your blog be improved?
    Your blog seems to be compressed to the left.
    Try to improve by also adding a more colourful background and maybe a bit of background music.
    Ask your IT instructor to help you to improve on your blog.
    Remember to finish up the draft of your product, and your survey forms.
